tessa ramsay

Tessa (she/her) first connected with yoga in her early-twenties when she was searching for grounding and clarity. A few years later, she earned her RYT-200 with the intention of supporting her teenage students with their stress and anxiety, and was amazed by how deeply the training changed her relationship with herself, others, and the world around her.

With a decade of developing literacy and leadership in New York City’s teen population as a high school English teacher, she understands how yoga is an incredible tool in promoting social-emotional skills, particularly awareness, self-acceptance, and confidence. Tessa blends curiosity, play, and joy into her yoga classes, balancing mindful reflection and energizing movement. She encourages her students to take careful risks with the goal of better understanding, expressing, and loving oneselves. Whether it’s using writing to reframe self-doubt into positive mantras or inspiring her students to collaboratively design sequences, Tessa believes yoga is most empowering when students have the autonomy to create and form community. As one of her students said, “yoga is about trusting yourself and doing what feels good.”

Tessa loves that yoga is all about balance: between delight and discipline, grace and grit, introspection and expression, self and community. Find her at tessaramsaywellness.com.