upcoming workshops
Friday, March 21, 10:30am - Bring your specific questions or concerns regarding your postpartum physical recovery and retraining or join for a general exposure to best practices for holistic self care in the weeks, months and years following childbirth.
Fridays, Mar 21-Apr 11, 1:00pm - Learn ways to support your baby’s movement development through handling skills, toys and environment. We’ll progress over 4 weeks so that your understanding develops in real time alongside your baby’s.
Saturday, March 22, 3pm - This workshop is for new and experienced students looking to build the strength required to practice inversions.
Saturday, March 22, 6:30pm - Learn and experience the traditions of Ramadan and Shabbat as we come together to break fast and enjoy traditional foods of Jewish and Muslim cultures.
Friday, March 28, 7:45pm - Join Aloe Adoricion and Esteban Roa for a practice to reawaken your senses from the depths of Winter, and prepare for the clearing and rejuvenation of Spring.
Sunday, March 30, 6pm - This 2-hour offering will begin with a gentle flow yoga practice as well as breathwork to help prepare the body and mind to rest peacefully. We will then move into our Yoga Nidra session, and end with time for discussion and questions about the experience.